Jesus loves you and so do I

15th February 2011

Hey Guys ! It has been a long time after since my last post was published. Sorry for keeping you all waiting ! How are you ? Im guess you should be fine.

As an amendment for keeping you all waiting , I decided to write something about yesterday. Yesterday was my cellgroup time. I named my cell group as David. I am a leader of a youth cell , and we were having our meetings at every tuesday night, 7pm at my house. ( Feel free to join us !! )

Yesterday night was terrific as we welcome few of our new friends that are joining us ; besides it was just after Valentines Day. We were sharing about valentine gifts and a lot more else.

We had games throughout the meeting , and of course praising God and ends our whole gathering with prayers.

Its great to see more and more young people , teens, pre-adults are getting more and more active in " Our Father's Business" , and being the light and salt of the world. In Romans chapter 8, all things are for the good of us - the good for believers . I definitely believe youth is making a part of our father's business.

May the Word of God continues to spread. If you are a christian, you can be involved in your own church and ministry 's events. If you are a non - christian, I would like to encourage you to learn more about Jesus Christ, he is the answer to solve your question.

Lastly, May God Bless You and Have a nice day !