Jesus loves you and so do I

Hello ! I'm Back Again !

 Hello ! I'm back again

Hello ! Time flies , its almost the end of the year ! Time to stop for some reflection . How have your first 8 months of 2011 been ? My first 8 months of 2011 could only be described with one word - " Miraculous " . I experienced miracles and that includes answers of my prayers. Here are some which I wishes to share with you .

First : Sunday School commences on March 26th 2011.

Sunday School

Our ministry began just a few years ago . Unlike other churches, we do not have a long history. Most of our members are youths  and adults , we do not have kids joining us.

Once, I got a thought from the Holy Spirit to start preparing for Sunday School . We had all the materials , toys ready . During Sunday Service on March 19th, while I was preaching , I asked God - where should we go to find children to attend our service ? We had everything ready , but where are the children ? Not a while, after service , there are 5 children ( 5 means grace ) sitting on the staircase. Hallelujah ! God will provide - only if we believe in him and prepare for his provision. Now, our Sunday School is continually expanding . May all glory be given to God !

Second : Warrior Bride Camp on 15th August 2011

Warrior Bride Camp 2011

We had another camp this year, a follow up from our previous camp - " Preparing The Bride Of Christ ". This year, we held our camp in Singapore and it was another success. Our air tickets to Singapore were " 0 Fare " ( not inclusive of taxes ) and the hotel my mum and I were staying in is called " Royal Hotel ". God's favor was upon us, but that's more.

During the last day of the camp , my handbook were full of gold dust - in every page of my handbook . Gold dust represents God's presence. Isn't that miraculous ?

The Israelite experienced miracles daily throughout the journey in the wilderness. Today, everyone can experience God's miracles only you believe in him. The key to miracles is - " Faith " . With faith, all things are possible.

Are you ready to experience more of his miracles before 2011 ends ? Amen !