Jesus loves you and so do I

When God's Plan Fails

When God's Plan Fails

Jeremiah 29 : 11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Have you ever break a promise ? How will you feel when someone breaks a promise ? I believe in both situations , whether breaking a promise or someone breaks a promise - we will definitely not be happy , perhaps sad or getting angry.

How about God ? Will he ever break a promise.  God will never break a promise - but sometimes God will " delay " or "forward" a promise.

When God delays a promise , he had his reasons . Once, God delayed his promise ,  I felt disappointed with him . In my mind , I keep thinking why wouldn't God keep his word until I saw promise being fulfilled , then I realised that God has his timing . When he delay something - it means he had a better timing and a better plan ahead. I often said to myself, when plan A fails, plan B is better.

God will also bring forward a promise - the reason he only makes it fulfilled earlier because we were ready .

God will never break a promise , because breaking a promise means denying on your word. God will never deny on his word because he is faithful .

Lastly, what promise has God made for you . I had one , which I didn't share it to the public - that is he promised me that I will have a ___________________________.

Sometimes, God wouldn't want us to publicily declare his promise and making the whole world know because he had only promised you , and he wants it to be a secret for you and him.

God loves us and undeniably we serve a good God. Man will go back on his words, but God wouldn't . We may not understand why God push forward or backward of his promises to us , but surely there will be a good time for it to be fulfilled.

Afternotes : How can we be sure that is God's promise and how long should I wait?
I couldn't explain to you clearly, but I can only share with you my experience.

When God makes his promise, I doubted a lot of times too . I wasn't sure its true , so I asked for signs and I keep it quietly . ( You can ask for signs to prove and if there are signs , you know its a promise )

Second, when God makes a promise he will tell you how long it will take. If he didn't it means that the timing is depends on you and how well you trust God.

Third, when you know its a promise, God will prepare you for the promise. I'm not a person that likes to write diary, but God asked me to write down what happens each day on a note book , and surprisingly through my diary entries, I can see that the promise is getting closer each day to fulfill.
Fourtn , God's promise don't contradict.It wouldn't be today is positive, tomorrow is negative , it remains constant,

Lastly, before it fulfills, God will give you a signal to hint its ready , just like before throwing out your last card in a UNO game, you have to shout UNO game.

God's promise is for everyone, sometimes we need to wait and be ready for it, don't hesistate, just believe ! God bless !