Jesus loves you and so do I



What is the right key to success?
Everyone yearns to be a successful person , including myself . I was disappointed, discouraged when I found myself not in the path of success.

Today, I was strongly distressed and disappointed with myself . I was struck down by the thought that , I'm leaving too far away from Success.

Then , later tonight, God spoke through my environment and the friends I knew, they encouraged me although they did not know I was disappointed. Thanks to them, now I don't find myself as non-successful , yet it inspires me to reflect on " How do we define Success " ?

To each one of us, Success is measured in quantities or in amounts . Example, our achievements and awards will define how successful you are. However, Success in quantities does not bring any contentment , it brings greed , it deprives you to ask for more, and if you don't , you will sink into the torrents of disappointment. That's how I felt today.

God does not define the same way as we do. To God, no matter how much quantities or amounts you do, there will never be enough. Who can earn grace through deeds ? God defines success as how much have you done according to God's will and purpose. God does not ask for how many awards you have, he ask for how much will you do for him , how much have you done for him.

This is what comforts me when I knew that, although I'm may not be perfect in all ways , I admit that I'm not the best compared to others . But , at the very least, I had done something that pleases God , and that is my success.

Are you still measuring success with quantities or using God's measures ?

God bless !

The Right Approach


“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”
( 1 John 5 : 14-15 )

what will you say when Jesus asks what he can do for you ?

This afternoon, I came across to the verse above when I was surfing the internet . It inspired me with a thought - making the right approach .

I believe everyone had the experience of ordering set meals in a restaurant. The first sentence that most waiter or waitress will pop out is " What can I help you ?" or " May I help you ?".

In the same way, Jesus is asking everyone of us " What can I help you ?", but not all of us make the right approach.

What will you tell the waiter when he asked what can he do ? We will tell him what we wanted to order.

However, this does not happen in our prayers to God. When God ask what can he do for us , usually we beat around the bush . We thought or expected that God will know what we need. But that's not the right approach. Most people dare not to bring their needs to Jesus - simply because they do not have the confidence in God's providence and faithfulness , they are afraid of disappointment.

We make the right approach simply by telling what we need and believe in him. There's once when Jesus healed a blind man in Jericho. Jericho is a city that does not know God , and in the Bible , Jericho is a city that carries God's curse. Why did Jesus walked there ? Because he knew that someone needs him.

God knows our every needs, but he will not granted them unless we bring it before him.

When the blind man heard of Jesus , he immediately shouted for Jesus's help. Here's the interesting part of the story ,

Jesus : " What can I do for you "?
Blind : " I want to see ."
Jesus: " So shall it be " .

From here, we see the blind man made the right approach. He directly told his needs to Jesus Christ and he got what he wanted ! Sometimes, I had to admit that I don't make the right approach too ! I beat around the bush when I'm expressing my needs - simply because I'm too shy to tell Jesus about them.

Friends, stop being shy with Jesus Christ. He knows you and he understand your needs. 

Now, Jesus is asking you " What can I do for you " ? Do make the right approach - tell him your needs , your doubts , everything.

Lastly,  may Hebrews 4 : 16 be an encouragement for you to make the right approach ,

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

God Bless !

When God's Plan Fails

When God's Plan Fails

Jeremiah 29 : 11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Have you ever break a promise ? How will you feel when someone breaks a promise ? I believe in both situations , whether breaking a promise or someone breaks a promise - we will definitely not be happy , perhaps sad or getting angry.

How about God ? Will he ever break a promise.  God will never break a promise - but sometimes God will " delay " or "forward" a promise.

When God delays a promise , he had his reasons . Once, God delayed his promise ,  I felt disappointed with him . In my mind , I keep thinking why wouldn't God keep his word until I saw promise being fulfilled , then I realised that God has his timing . When he delay something - it means he had a better timing and a better plan ahead. I often said to myself, when plan A fails, plan B is better.

God will also bring forward a promise - the reason he only makes it fulfilled earlier because we were ready .

God will never break a promise , because breaking a promise means denying on your word. God will never deny on his word because he is faithful .

Lastly, what promise has God made for you . I had one , which I didn't share it to the public - that is he promised me that I will have a ___________________________.

Sometimes, God wouldn't want us to publicily declare his promise and making the whole world know because he had only promised you , and he wants it to be a secret for you and him.

God loves us and undeniably we serve a good God. Man will go back on his words, but God wouldn't . We may not understand why God push forward or backward of his promises to us , but surely there will be a good time for it to be fulfilled.

Afternotes : How can we be sure that is God's promise and how long should I wait?
I couldn't explain to you clearly, but I can only share with you my experience.

When God makes his promise, I doubted a lot of times too . I wasn't sure its true , so I asked for signs and I keep it quietly . ( You can ask for signs to prove and if there are signs , you know its a promise )

Second, when God makes a promise he will tell you how long it will take. If he didn't it means that the timing is depends on you and how well you trust God.

Third, when you know its a promise, God will prepare you for the promise. I'm not a person that likes to write diary, but God asked me to write down what happens each day on a note book , and surprisingly through my diary entries, I can see that the promise is getting closer each day to fulfill.
Fourtn , God's promise don't contradict.It wouldn't be today is positive, tomorrow is negative , it remains constant,

Lastly, before it fulfills, God will give you a signal to hint its ready , just like before throwing out your last card in a UNO game, you have to shout UNO game.

God's promise is for everyone, sometimes we need to wait and be ready for it, don't hesistate, just believe ! God bless !



When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me . For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13 : 11-12

When I'm in Primary 1

How many of you still remember your childhood memories ? I still remember mine , how I used to call my parents when they are busy and how I always dreamt of growing up like my parents. Yet,as a young adult ,  I wished to go back to my young and carefree days.

Growing up is a process that everyone had to face it. We grow in size , appearance, the way we deal with situations.

When I was young , my parents always said to me - watch out for cars , don't play with fire and etc . I think most of people  share the same experience as I have.

2011 - 19years old

But, as I've grown up , my parents said to me - Drive often , Cook often , they hoped that I could take up more responsibilities right now.

Putting such theory into our faith , when we are like a child (we just began to know him) - God take care of us slowly and carefully . As we grow to be more like him , more committed to him , God as our father will let go and trying to let us taking up more responsibility . This is how we grow in faith - our faith should be growing not maintaining at one stage.

There's an old song called " Dear Sarah " . The Sarah in the song kept asking her mother what would she be when she grow up . I used to ask my mother what would happen when I grow up - Are you ready to grow into Christ-likeness , are you ready to grow and face whatever situations you had in life ? May we all today , be like Sarah - grow up !



Like a child trusting his father would catch him
We should also trust that our heavenly father will catch us
 Are you a trustworthy person ? Who do you trust the most ? In fact, we can hardly find trust in a world that is rapidly changing and when everyone only think about themselves.

Truly indeed , we find hard in trusting someone . However trust is very important to us and with our relationship with others . Can you imagine a life without trust - everything would be shattered into pieces .

What is trust ? Trust isn't faith. Faith is committing but TRUST is NO doubting , having confidence . Faith is only the first step we take , Trust is the next .

How can we trust someone ? We find hard to trust because we are afraid of the future result. First step of trusting is to remove the fear of the future result ( either good or bad ). Don't set a target or a result , sometimes things may have another way round .

Two , entrust the person or situation to God. What does it mean to entrust ? It means you transfer . Transfer your rights to God . Transfer that situation / person and letting God be in charge . Learn to put your faith in a God that is faithful and will keep his promises.

If we win, we praise him . If we lose, we praise him. ( Facing the giants ) . Can we do that ?Let us begin to trust HIM and see what great things he has done for us !

Shopping Day !

April 19th :  SHOPPING DAY

Supposed that's how I look when I'm shopping :)

The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. (Psalms 118 : 24)

Today is a bright and sunny day ! Sunny day is usually the best time to do some shopping ! I don't shop a lot, but I will usually shop either with friends or my family. What I like most about shopping is the contentment after buying the things I want. I don't shop often , and I don't go to branded shops frequently. I'm not fussy about fashion . To me , as long as the blouse / shirt / shorts / pants look good on me , that's what I'm looking for.

Just a few hours ago ,  I had shopping with my family . The reason for my shopping is  to buy some T-shirts and shorts for my coming trip to Redang Island. To much of my surprise , there are a number of new arrivals being displayed . I shopped , I chose , I tried and I put it into my shopping cart , I paid  and I left !

I was quite contented with what I bought . I bought a few blouse , a shirt and a three-quarter length shorts. Haha ! How about you - when is the last time you shopped ?

God gave us life to enjoy , in fact there are many outdoor activities for you to have fun ! Today, tomorrow and each day is created by God , why not take some time, have a look outside and enjoy your life to the fullest !

Have a joyful afternoon !

I Love You


I Love You , Only I wish to know you more !
A few hours after posting " Mi Corazon " , quite a number of my friends updated their facebook statuses ( from Single to In a relationship ) . In fact , I was quite happy to see them finding someone they truly loved.
Have you found one yet ? Sometimes, you have to take your time to find one, and if you find one - what would you expect from him/ her. I read an article a few months ago and it says , do not set target for your bf/ gf as someone you will marry with ? Sounds complicating eh ?

To me, its CONTRADICTING - Love isn't shopping - trying to find someone you like the most then dump it away when you find it useless. If that's love, then being in a relationship does not serve any purpose - don't you think so ?

On the other hand , some people think too far away - although it would be best to have your future planned , but you are actually missing out the enjoyment you have in a relationship ! Love isn't instant noodles , just pour into hot water and enjoy. If that's being in a relationship , I would rather think its torture .

Love can't grow instantly , neither it would stop. Love are like young babies , they grow slowly. If you are still single - you can actually pray to God for someone that God has prepared for you AND pray to God for preparing you in a relationship ( cause relationship may be hurtful sometimes )

Next, the goal in a relationship is to decide whether he/she is your future spouse . You both grow and you both need time to understand each other - if it doesn't work afterall , dont push yourself ! There is always a better one.

Lastly , If you think you are ready to be in a relationship , just answer one more simple question .

Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for ______________ that person's name, and to be in a relationship with him / her  for God's honor

Remember , God created relationship to honor him , not to dishonor him. Don't do anything foolish and irreversible . Remember - you will reap what you sow. Sow good , reap good . Sow bad , reap bad !

If your answer to my previous question is YES ..... tell the other person ( of course it would be better to pray first before you take any action :)

Just one short note about myself . I know it might sound too conservative ... but I preferably have boys confess to girls , rather than girls propose to boys. If it happens that you are a girl reading this post , and you know the person you admire had the same feeling as you , pray for him to take action then !

Another short note : " Girls like small gifts ! Actions speak louder than words !"

Wishing you all the best in your relationship , find someone that God has really prepared for you

and to _________________. ( You know who you are!)

I Love You

A short talk about food

A Short Talk About Food

Haha ~ Pizza Guy ! I know it looks cool XD

Today, I would like to introduce about PIZZA ! How many of you like Pizza ? I like pizza  , especially " Hawaian Chicken " and  " Island Supreme " flavor at Pizza Hut . But tonight, I decided to change my favorite pizza selection into this one ,


Looks awesome eh  XP
 Yes ! Its a new pizza came out recently and I just get to know it tonight . It consist of  ham , cheese , sausages and CHICKEN FLOSS .

Triple Sensation tastes awesome , splendid , perfect , delicious. I would really suggest my dear friends to have a try !

Have a pizza-awesome night !

Mi Corazon


Mi Corazon

Mi Corazon is a spanish term for " My Heart " or " My Love ". Yes ! Loving someone is not really easy. For the past few weeks , I was continuously being fed  with couples getting a breakup or a divorce. I was convinced that Loving another person is not easy .

In 1 Cor 13 , Paul gave a best description for love. Love does not envy, does not boast and  goes on... It sounds so easy, yet its hard to put into practice. How can you dont get jealous of someone or something when that person or that thing has much of your boyfiriend/ girlfriend's attention ?

Overall , we thought that when we love someone , that person must repay us back. We wishes to control over other - that's why relationship wouldn't last.

Love means sacrifice - like what Jesus did. Jesus didnt asked anything back ( in fact he could ) , but he gave his life to exchange ours back. When we are saved , Jesus even called us into a closer relationship. If Jesus's love for us are like ours, there would be no sacrifice ; even if there is , he wouldnt even call us into a closer relationship !

Love is a sacrifice of our self. When God created Eve , HE used Adam's rib bone. HE didn't used mud or created her by words. That means sacrifice , you sacrifice yourself for others. In the Bible, Paul encourages believers to love your wife like how Christ love his church - and we all know Christ sacrificed himself for his church.

In whatever stages of love ( Knowing , friendship , relationship , marriage , family ) , it all requires sacrifice.

Lastly, how can we obtain true love from others or truly love another ? There is only one way , no one loves more than Jesus - sacrifice your heart to Jesus first , only by then you will sacrifice for others. Love God first, and you will love others.

Love is not an easy lesson, yet its the most beautiful masterpiece among all creations . Only Love makes all things beautiful. I love God , I love what God has placed in my life  - my family , my friends and my future partner.

Let us truly love each other by listening to the song below ( Mi Corazon - by Don Moen )

It is well with my soul

 12th April 2012 : It is well with my soul

" It is well with my soul " is one of my favorite song . The reason  I love this song is not because of its melody, neither because of the singer who sings it , but I was simply attracted by the lyrics.

I get to know this song through a Christmas special program the past two years (2010) ago on a TV Broadcast. The song was wrote by a pastor who had lost all of his children when his wife and his kids were on a ship sailing to somewhere. I was amazed - How can someone praise God when he had lost someone whom he loved so much ?

This reminds me of Abraham and Isaac. God asked Abraham to offer his one and only precious son - Isaac as a burn sacrifice. Being a  burnt sacrifice, it means there is nothing left but ashes, like what was left after cremation.

It had been a long time since I last heard this song. I couldn't understand and explain why God allows troubles to come upon us.  But there's something I do know and that is, If you believe that God is in charge and you believe everything is in God's hand , I believe you will say the same phrase "It is well with my soul".

Abraham didnt understand why Isaac has to die. He even hoped that Isaac will be raised from the dead. Aren't we the same? We always hoped that things wouldn't be that worse, and things will be getting better. However, things don't work that way because God has a better plan. Instead of raising Isaac from the dead, he had prepared himself a lamb as an sacrifice to replace Isaac. Instead of hoping things would be better, God prepared another to overturn the outcome.

We all may not understand the will of God, but are you willing to surrender yourselves to his will and believe that everything is in his hands ? I may not understand God's will on me too , but I'm willing to offer myself like how Abraham did and obeying his will , by then you would had hear me say" It is well with my soul ".