Jesus loves you and so do I

Hello ! Its a new year !

 Hello ! Its A NEW YEAR !
Babies are cute but one day, we all need to grow up  !

Hi friends ! A year has gone and its 2011 now ! Truly sorry for not continuously updating my blog ! 2010 had been truly fun for me . I had learned a lot of new things throughout the year. Life is continuously learning.

There had been some major events taking place last year - such as our ministry had rented a new place of worship which is near my house. I was annointed as a Pastor during my birthday , we had a camp called " Preparing the Bride of Christ " at Sematan Beach Resort - which was a total success and of course there are many more which I couldn't share with you all at one go . ( PS : But you can visit our ministry blog at

 What had I learned throughout 2010? In the Bible ,  1 Corinthians 13 :11  it says, 

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 

Yes, I learned to grow up . When I first graduated from school , there are many things for me to learn. What happens in the society is totally different from what you had learned from school. I learned to be mature , I learned to grow up ; physically and spiritually.

2010 had been a year that draws me closer to God, and in a lot of ways, I seen God's hand in my life - training me and fashioning me. Although, I was reluctant to God's training at first, but looking back now, I find its worth - and God is still fashioning me now ! ( Cheer on !)

Friends, God has a special purpose for you and me , and he will fashion you for that specific purpose- are you willing to be fashioned by him? 

And may this new year 2011 be another year of improvement in physical and in spiritual areas of your life .

May God bless you ! 

Ministry Opening Service 2010

Preparing the Bride Of Christ Camp 2010

My mum and I during my appointment as a Pastor - Do we look alike ?